Sunday, September 14, 2008

Horace Vernet Judah and Tamar painting

Horace Vernet Judah and Tamar paintingJean Auguste Dominique Ingres Princesse Albert de Broglie paintingJean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres The Source painting
secret means, without examination. I stepped through the port and flung myself down the entrance-tube into the warm black chamber, its spongy surfaces athrob. Bray tumbled after and against me at once, identified by his foetor, but we spoke no more. I slicked my way to the little display-screen, already phosphorescent with the inquiryARE YOU MALE OR FEMALE. They would be, then, the same questions as before. I considered answeringYes, as I had last spring, on the ground that all those previous responses, like their maker, had perforce been wrong, and Failure is Passage. But on second thought I decided to reply more strictly in terms of my new point of view, itself an implicit denial of WESCAC's authority and the presuppositions of its terminology. Therefore I found and pressed the left-hand button -- theNo, if Bray's earlier instructions were correct, and my memory of them was accurate, and the button-box had not been reversed or otherwise altered in the interim -- for what weremale andfemale if not the most invidious of the false polarities into which undergraduate reason was wont to sunder Truth?
I think Bray sighed, or else the chamber-lining squished when I stepped to answer.


1 comment: said...

Horace Vernet Judah and Tamar painting