Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Juarez Machado Tango Room painting

Juarez Machado Tango Room paintingJuarez Machado Tango Over The Piano paintingJuarez Machado Tango in a Box painting
TO JUDGE BY THE promotional materials, Christmas, Easter, and Fourth are the biggest, most developed, and most popular islands. The rather modest brochure for Hollo-Een! is all about Family Fun and clearly aimed at parents and children trapped in airports.
To judge by the photographs, Hollo-Een! Island swarms with pumpkins, I can't tell whether honest pumpkins or plastic ones. There is a fairground with roller coaster, spook rides, tunnel of horrors, etc. The natives running concessions, waiting tables, cleaning rooms, etc., are dressed as witches, ghosts, space aliens, and Ronald Reagan. There is "Trick or Treating Every Evening! Safe! Supervised! (All candy guaranteed safe and healthful)." While the children are being led about from house to house of Spook-E-Ville, the parents can watch any one of "One Hundred Horror Movies" on the big-screen TV in their suite in Addams House or Frankenstein's Castle.
I detected a slightly stuffy note in Cousin Sulie's voice when

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