Monday, June 9, 2008

Vinci The Last Supper painting

Vinci The Last Supper painting
Picasso The Old Guitarist painting
abstract 92187 painting
Rivera Portrait of Natasha Zakolkowa Gelman painting
Madam, with all my heart;I shall obey you in all fair commands.
My people do already know my mind,And will acknowledge you and JessicaIn place of Lord Bassanio and myself.And so farewell, till we shall meet again.
Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you!
I wish your ladyship all heart's content.
I thank you for your wish, and am well pleasedTo wish it back on you: fare you well Jessica.
Now, Balthasar,As I have ever found thee honest-true,So let me find thee still. Take this same letter,And use thou all the endeavour of a manIn speed to Padua: see thou render thisInto my cousin's hand, Doctor Bellario;And, look, what notes and garments he doth give thee,Bring them, I pray thee, with imagined speedUnto the tranect, to the common ferryWhich trades to Venice. Waste no time in words,But get thee gone: I shall be there before thee.
Madam, I go with all convenient speed.

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