Friday, June 6, 2008

The Song of the Angels

William Bouguereau The Song of the Angels Painting
The Song of the Angels has an alternative title The Virgin with Angels original size 84 x 60 inches. one of William Bouguereau's most famous and beloved works, is due to go on loan to the Getty Museum, where sources tell us it will be cleaned to hang on December 1 - just in time for Christmas and the holidays. The Song of the Angels recently sold for $1,588,000 on April 20 at Sotheby's, New York. While works by this 19th century master have gone for as high as $2,600,000 and $3,500,000 in recent years, they were all full, life-sized, major paintings. This was but a reduction of a major work, and has therefore set a world record for a Bouguereau reduction.

Below it is a page to see the original works or even to get a recreation.Bouguereau The Song of the Angels

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